康奈尔大学(Cornell University)

2017-06-27 点击数:


The history of our chemistry department starts in 1868 with the opening of Cornell University. Of the first four faculty hired, two were chemists, G. C. Caldwell (agricultural chemistry) and J. M. Crafts (organic chemistry). Over the intervening years there have been a number of partial department histories ranging in size from the thorough Chamot and Rhodes account (1865-1939) to the more recent, less-encompassing "snippets" by Laubengayer ("Lauby's Recollections").

At this point it would take a dedicated historian to digest the accumulated material, fill in the missing gaps, and produce an integrated story. We have embarked on a less demanding effort of converting the available material to an electronic format and making it freely available on-line and word searchable. Although this approach will not produce a polished history, it makes addition of new material easy and avoids the numbing challenge of starting from scratch each time a body of new material becomes available. Our goal is to make available the existing historical texts and the accumulated collection of department news letters and photographs. These will be supplemented by video recorded conversations with retired faculty.



课程介绍(Courses of Instruction):

 CHEM 2900 - Introductory Physical Chemistry Laboratory .docx

 CHEM 3010 - Honors Experimental Chemistry I .docx

 CHEM 3030 - Honors Experimental Chemistry III .docx

 CHEM 3580 - Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences .docx

 CHEM 3600 - Honors Organic Chemistry II .docx

 CHEM 3900 - Honors Physical Chem II .docx

 Chemistry 1007 (007) .docx

 Chemistry 1008 (008) Chemistry 2080 Supplement .docx

 Chemistry 1057 (057) .docx

 Chemistry 1058 (058) Chemistry 3580 Supplement .docx

 Chemistry 1150 (105) .docx

 Chemistry 1560 (206) .docx

 Chemistry 1560 (206) 6wk .docx

 Chemistry 1570 (257) 6wk .docx

 Chemistry 1570 (257) Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 2070 (207) .docx

 Chemistry 2070 (207) 4wk .docx

 Chemistry 2070 (207) 6wk .docx

 Chemistry 2080 (208) 4wk .docx

 Chemistry 2080 (208) 6wk .docx

 Chemistry 2080 (208) General Chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 2090 (209) Engineering General Chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 2090 (210) Engineering General Chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 2150 (215) .docx

 Chemistry 2160 (216) - Honors General and Inorganic Chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 2510 (251) - Introduction to Experimental Organic Chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 2510 (251) 8wk .docx

 Chemistry 2870 (287) .docx

 Chemistry 2880 (288) - Introductory Physical Chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 3000 (300) Quantitative Chemistry Syllabus .docx

 Chemistry 3020 (302) Syllabus for Chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 3570 (357) .docx

 Chemistry 3590 (359) Honors organic chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 3890 (389) Physical Chemistry I .docx

 Chemistry 4100 (410) Inorganic Chemistry, .docx

 Chemistry 4500 (450) .docx

 Chemistry 6010 (601) General Chemistry Colloquium .docx

 Chemistry 6020 (602) Information Literacy for the Physical Scientist .docx

 Chemistry 6050 (605) .docx

 Chemistry 6080 (608) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I Organometallic Chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 6290 (629) Electrochemistry .docx

 Chemistry 6650 (665) .docx

 Chemistry 6660 (666) Macromolecular Crystallography .docx

 Chemistry 6700 (670) Fundamental Principles of Polymer Chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 7650 (765) .docx

 Chemistry 7870 (787) Mathematical Methods of Physical Chemistry .docx

 Chemistry 7880 (788) Macromolecular Crystallography .docx

 Chemistry 7890 (789) .docx

 Chemistry 7900 (790) Introductory to Nanoscale Materials .docx

 Chemistry 7930 (793) .docx

 Chemistry 7940 (794) Quantum Mechanics II .docx

 Chemistry 7950 (795) .docx

 Chemistry 7960 (796) Statistical Mechanics .docx

 Chemistry 7980 (798) Bonding In Molecules .docx

 Chemistry 35703580 (357358) 10wk .docx